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Your Words Have The Power To Change Someone’s World

Friday, March 19th, 2021

Since childhood, we are taught that, always be polite and kind with your words and always help others. But helping others does not mean monetary help only, in fact I personally believe that we can help in many ways which are better than the monetary help.

Infact, I personally believe that if you really want to help someone then choose better option rather than monetary help like…. helping the person to do something in life, inspiring them, help in settling in life, help in making career, help in work, or help in giving challenges. Believe me, if you really have someone close to you….. Giving challenge without any monetary help will make them independent and that’s the real help. Helping with money, you can help one time….. But helping in settling someone in their career will have Long life impact to your good will.


Yes, Believe me. I am saying it right.


Let me share one simple story,


We have often seen that, some people are rude in behavior but are kind-hearted while some are good in behavior but not good by heart, they hide their real feelings for others, they can’t see if something good happens to others and they never step forward to help others. But the one who are just opposite of such people, always try to help others, in the best possible way they can do.


An old-aged man was sitting on the road-side, he was a beggar and blind. He was asking for a penny, by keeping a board on beside him, on the card-board it was written – “I’m Blind Please Help ME…” People were moving around, some were giving a penny, some were busy in their own and simply ignoring him. The days were passing and he was hardly getting 4-5 pennies a day.

One fine day, a lady passed from the same street and she saw the old-man, but she moved and suddenly in a second she stepped back and turned around, came to the blind old beggar and that worked as a miracle. The beggar touched her feet, was trying to find out what the lady was doing but was not able to find out. After the lady moved from there the old-man started getting pennies in unexpected manner, his bowl was full, the old-man was astonished and thinking that what that lady had written on the card-board ??


After few days, the lady again passed from the same street and met the old-man, on that fine day, again he recognised the lady by touch her feet and then asked her Ma’am what you wrote on my card-board that day, that I am receiving more pennies compared to my previous days ??? The lady with smile replied I just wrote – “It’s A Beautiful Day And I Can’t See.” The old-man also smiled, said kind words thanking her and gave her blessings.

Just like the words written  by the lady on card-board of beggar changed his days. To help someone in any form is important and not how you are helping.


Always take out time for helping others, do charity or donations or guide with kind words so that you can change someone’s life…


Saturday, March 21st, 2020

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

Coronavirus ailment (COVID-19) is another strain that was found in 2019 and has not been recently distinguished in people.

Coronaviruses are brucellosis, which means they are transmitted among creatures and individuals. A very keen examinations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet felines to people and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to people. A few known coronaviruses are coursing in creatures that have not yet contaminated people.


Basic indications of disease incorporate respiratory side effects, fever, hack, brevity of breath and breathing challenges. In increasingly serious cases, the disease can cause pneumonia, extreme intense respiratory disorder, kidney disappointment and even demise.


Standard proposals to forestall contamination spread incorporate customary hand washing, covering mouth and nose when hacking and sniffling, completely cooking meat and eggs. Keep away from close contact with anybody indicating side effects of respiratory sickness, for example, hacking and sniffling.


  • Adopt the habit of washing your hands immediately after coming home from office, school or market.
  • Carry a sanitizer while you are away from home, travelling or before doing any work or eating.
  • Wash vegetables, fruits and other eatables properly before taking in use or eating.
  • Wash your clothes using Dettol antiseptic Liquid or similar antiseptic liquid and dry your clothes in proper form in proper sunlight.
  • Maintain a distance from people suffering cold, cough and sneezing.
  • If you have cough and sneezing, immediately consult the doctor and get the blood test done.
  • Wear a mask while you are public places.
  • Greet friends and colleagues by waving hand or NAMASTE.
  • Avoid eating non-veg food items.
  • Use separate hand towels and napkins.
  • Avoid going to crowded places.


  • Don’t shake hands while meeting someone.
  • Don’t go to the places where there is a crowd of 50 peoples or more.
  • Don’t eat foods on roadside stalls or any restaurant.
  • Don’t eat red meat, mutton or any non-veg food items.
  • Don’t use anyone’s used napkin’s.

Wash your hands every now then and again:

Normally and altogether clean your hands with a liquor based hand rub or wash them with cleanser and water.

Why? Washing your hands with cleanser and water or utilizing liquor based hand rub executes infections that might be on your hands.

Keep up social separating

Keep up in any event 1 meter (3 feet) separation among yourself and any individual who is hacking or wheezing.

Why? At the point when somebody hacks or wheezes they splash little fluid beads from their nose or mouth which may contain the infection. On the off chance that you are excessively close, you can take in the beads, including the COVID-19 infection if the individual hacking has the sickness.

Abstain from contacting eyes, nose and mouth:

Why? Hands contact numerous surfaces and can get infections. When debased, hands can move the infection to your eyes, nose or mouth. From that point, the infection can enter your body and can make you wiped out.

Practice respiratory cleanliness

Ensure you, and the individuals around you, follow great respiratory cleanliness. This implies covering your mouth and nose with your twisted elbow or tissue when you hack or wheeze. At that point discard the pre-owned tissue right away.

Why? Beads spread infection. By following great respiratory cleanliness you shield the individuals around you from infections, for example, chilly, influenza and COVID-19.

On the off chance that you have fever, hack and trouble breathing, look for clinical consideration early

Remain at home on the off chance that you feel unwell. If you have a fever, hack and trouble breathing, look for clinical consideration and bring ahead of time. Follow the bearings of your neighbourhood well-being authority.


Why? National and nearby specialists will have the most cutting-edge data on the circumstance in your general vicinity. Bringing ahead of time will permit your human services supplier to rapidly guide you to the correct well-being office. This will likewise ensure you and help forestall the spread of infections and different diseases.

Spreading awareness in social cause and help to the society and it’s for the welfare and well-being of society and people. The messages regarding the virus also having some adverse effect as people are spreading fake news as well.

The virus is now curable and vaccines are been made and keen observation is kept on the activities and proper watch are kept.

Many areas and country are ordered to shut the school, colleges, malls, multiplex and many organizations have granted WORK FROM HOME to their employees for hygiene and safety purpose.

This blog is helping hand to fight against the hazardous virus and spread a healthy message for health awareness and well-being.

For those are capable enough to donate masks, vaccines for helping the needy people.

Together we beat the CORONA-Virus, by being helping hand to need.



Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

It’s said a human earns livelihood for food, clothing and shelter for oneself and his/ her family. For living, we need healthy food, so that we can do our daily routine work.

It is very important to satisfy our self with proper diet, as we need to live a very long life. Having a complete diet with nutritious food is a sign of a healthy lifestyle.

In India, often it’s noticed that food prepared in functions is wasted and disposed in the garbage instead of donating to hungry, needy people who are living on footpaths, or slum areas.

Still, there are many people, kids who are starving by hunger for so many days and just to satisfy their hunger, the kids are getting involved in bad habits, hazardous addiction habits like alcohol, drugs, whitener addiction, weeds, etc.

The kids who are homeless, orphan, or from very poor families often get attracted to jobs where they find the money. Such kids get involve in such activities and get addicted to bad habits and addictions.

Hunger has forced many people to sacrifice their lives and feed their family. Hunger is a very important and basic need for all living creature on this planet.

Few days, while scrolling on social media I came across a video, which made me cry. The video was about how 12-year old boy is so badly addicted to whitener.

The boy is doing the job of collecting and selling scrap and unused stuff. While been asked how much he is earning every day, he replied 100rs/day. From which, he buys 30rs food and 70rs whitener.

The person who was having a conversation with him, asked him, Is your mother know that you are involved in such a bad habit? Do you miss your mother? The boy replied yes she might be knowing about this and I don’t miss my mother.

The boy has become so rude and arrogant that he was not ready to listen to what the person was trying to explain, asking him to quit this bad habit. The boy replied that, if he will not take his dose he will die and so can’t quit it.

Like him, there are so many people, kids who are addicted and getting addicted to such bad habits. And as a result, their family are suffering adversely.

Hunger has often broken out many dangerous outcomes which is harmful to themselves and their families too.

The 12-year boy when asked why he is doing such addiction, he said after taking this “I DON’T FEEL HUNGRY”. The guy was speechless and had tears in his eyes.

Same case was reported in some area of Tamil Nadu. A lady found so many kids involved in such bad habits. The lady gathered all the kids and had a conversation with them.

The lady decided to do something for all those kids and she is now running a program from her home in a village of Tamil Nadu. There she is teaching all the kids, serving meal so that they can satisfy their hunger and don’t get involved in the wrong jobs.

The lady in an interview with her said that many kids ageing 12-15 years don’t even know how to read & write? The lady was crying while narrating their stories.

But now the situation as improved, the lady is seeking for support to grow, she looking for donation in means of money, books, educational instruments, clothes, food etc

If you can not start such a program, at least try to support them by donating something.

Help the needy people, enlighten lived of homeless and other needy people.

We are also working for such social cause, so you can join us as a volunteer or donate whatever you want.

Visit us:

Contact us: +91 9827724380

Life of Special Kids

Thursday, March 5th, 2020

In our day to day life, often we see kids or adults who are physically challenged and the one who is unable to do the work easily, as we the normal people do… They are addressed as Special Kids

When we are born even our parents don’t expect that they are going to get the special kid who is physically or mentally challenged. And when they come to know about the same, they feel very dejected, often it becomes difficult for them to accept the fact.

Often this kind of kids or individuals are been bullied by the people in society. But if take a pause and give a thought to HOW THIS PEOPLE MIGHT BE FEELING WHEN WE BULLY THEM AND MAKE FUN OF THEM? We will realize what we are doing?

Instead of helping such kids and people, we make fun of them. We are blessed to have a normal life in which we can do our work by ourself.

Extraordinary requirements is an umbrella term for a wide exhibit of analyses, from those that resolve rapidly to those that will be a test forever and those that are generally gentle to those that are significant. It covers formative postponements, ailments, mental conditions, and inborn conditions that require facilities so youngsters can arrive at their possibilities. Regardless of the explanation, the assignment is valuable. It can assist you with getting required administrations, set proper objectives, and added a comprehension of your kid and the anxieties your family may confront.

Challenges faced by Special Kids:

Difficulties and Triumphs

Extraordinary necessities are usually characterized by what a kid can’t do—achievements neglected, nourishment prohibited, exercises kept away from, or encounters denied. These deterrents can hit families hard and may cause uncommon necessities to appear to be an unfortunate assignment.

A few guardians will consistently grieve their youngster’s lost potential, and a few conditions become all the more bothering with time. Different families may find that their kid’s difficulties make triumphs better and that shortcomings are frequently joined by stunning qualities.

Every Family Has Different Concerns 

Pick any two groups of youngsters with unique needs and they may appear to share little for all intents and purpose. A family managing formative defers will have unexpected worries in comparison to one managing ceaseless sickness. These families will have unexpected tensions in comparison to one managing psychological sickness, learning issues, or conduct difficulties.


Clinical Issues

Clinical issues for kids incorporate genuine conditions like disease, heart absconds, strong dystrophy, and cystic fibrosis. It likewise incorporates interminable conditions like asthma and diabetes, inborn conditions like cerebral paralysis and dwarfism, and well-being dangers like nourishment hypersensitivities and heftiness. A kid may require to visit clinical testing, emergency clinic stays, gear, and lodging for inabilities. Setting up a decent emotionally supportive network is significant when managing vulnerability and any clinical emergencies.

Conduct Issues

Youngsters with conduct issues may not react to customary control. Conclusions like ADHD, fetal liquor range issue (FASD), the brokenness of tactile joining, and Tourette’s disorder require particular techniques that are custom-made to their particular needs. Conduct issues can expand the danger of issues at school. As a parent, you should be adaptable, inventive, and quiet.

Formative Issues 

Formative incapacities can change your dreams of things to come and give prompt challenges in minding to and teaching your kid. Determinations like mental imbalance, Down disorder, and scholarly handicaps regularly cause kids to be expelled from the standard. Regularly, guardians become savage promoters to ensure their kids get the administrations, treatment, tutoring, and incorporation they require and merit.

Learning Issues 

Youngsters with learning incapacities like dyslexia and sound-related handling issue (APD) battle with homework paying little heed to their scholarly capacities. They require particular learning procedures to meet their latent capacity and maintain a strategic distance from confidence issues and conduct troubles.

Emotional wellness Issues 

Understanding that your youngster experiences nervousness or misery or has connection challenges can be startling. Once more, every youngster will be unique, yet these can leave your family managing an exciting ride of emotional episodes, emergencies, and insubordination. Significantly, guardians locate the correct experts to help. You will likewise need to settle on choices about treatment, drugs, and, conceivably, hospitalization.

Helping such special people or kids boost their morale and give a moment of happiness.

We at SOCIAL HELP CARE are also working for such special kids and person, so if you want to help them or wants to donate anything you can contact us.

Visit us:

Contact us: +91 9827724380

Your Every Behaviour Is Noticed

Monday, February 24th, 2020

Each day whatsoever you do or you are doing is been noticed and copied by one or many, especially the one who is living with you in your house. If you behave good, it will create a good image and if you do bad it will create a bad image.

The children during their childhood love to copy their elders and often we enjoy when they do so, but when we do something negative and the same is copied by the small kid, then we punish them. 

We never give a thought on the incident, we think we have punished the kid or kids now everything is fine. But actually, nothing is fine, punishing the kid is not the correct way to correct your mistake. You have to work on it.

Small children are innocent they don’t know what is good? what is bad? It is we who can teach them the difference between good and bad. 

A small 5-year old boy, everyday noticing that his parents where talking in a bad manner with his grandma. As his grandma was 70 years, her eye-sight got weaken, she uses to hear loud, she was not able to take care of herself and do her work.

One fine morning she was looking for her specs, she asked her daughter-in-law to help her find her specs, but she shouted in a very bad manner and started speaking bad things, her son noticed but didn’t utter a word, then the old lady asked her son to find her specs, but unfortunately he too behaved in rudely, his son noticed him too.

Next day in the morning, the father of little boy was searching his specs and asked his son to help him find out his specs, but he was shocked with revert given by his son. His son replied to him in the same way as he replied to his mother just a day before. And he scolded him, by saying is this the way to answer your parents?? The little boy replied to his parents that- You too are replying like this to grand-ma every day, so what’s wrong if I have replied to you in the same way.

There was complete silence in the house, and little boy’s parents head got bend down and they realized their mistake. They understood that their everyday activity is noticed and copied by their son and he is learning from their behaviour. 

The couple felt ashamed of their behaviour and made apologize to the old lady. The lady smiled and said It’s OK. But she didn’t say anything else except those two words, the grand-ma told her grandson, my dear son before you copy someone always makes an analyze whether it’s right or wrong?

The grand-ma explained to him very nicely and said son this planet is full of a variety of people. And we are surrounded by different people around us and so it’s up to us how we choose them. Some are kind, some are emotional, some rude, selfish, greedy, mean, arrogant, harsh, evil mentality etc. We can’t understand someone’s nature in just a meeting of a couple of hours, minutes or in a single day.

But when we are meeting or living with the same person every day we observe their activities, and it will always have an impact on our mind and someday unintentionally we may act or behave like that. But one thing we all should understand and learn that we should always try to adopt good habits from our surrounding because that will help us grow as a good human.

Our behaviour can be an inspiration for many and it can affect the lives of many. Just like the small they are so many people around us who notice us and copy us. So always be careful about your behaviour and help the needy people.    

Shyam Sundar Paliwal – Father of Eco-Feminism

Thursday, January 30th, 2020

Is it said that – “बेटे भाग्य से होते हैं, पर बेटियाँ सौभाग्य से होती हैं

Still we get to hear that some villages in our country are not considering birth of girl-child has a curse or liability for them and are practicing unacceptable practice like make a girl-child “Dudh-piti, killing the baby by poison, throwing them in garbage.” it sounds really strange but all these are still practiced and many social workers are working on it to stop this evil practice.

Today, we are going to share the story of one the social activist, Mr Shyam Sundar Paliwal who is been entitled the tag of Father of Eco-Feminism. Shyam Sundar is a social activist from Piplantri village, Rajasthan. He is born on 9th July 1964, in Piplantri. He did his academics till class 10th and then he didn’t study further and started his professional life by joining a marble company.

Moving towards his family, his father name was Late. Shri Bhanwar Lal Paliwal and mother name was Navali Bhanwar Lal Paliwal also known hai Navali Bai. When Shyam just 6 years old, his mother died because of snakebite. He is having 7 siblings, 5 brothers and 2 sisters. In 1987, 30th November Shyam Sundar got married to Mrs Anita Paliwal and the couple got blessed with 3 children 2 daughter Kiran and Himashi and a son Rahul.

But as the misfortune knocked his door one day, and he lost his elder daughter Kiran, she was just 16 years old. The death cause of Kiran was due dehydration, it was the time of 2006 when Piplantri village caught in the problem of drought due to excessive mining, and shortage of water and vegetation. And on the other hand, there was a problem seems to be arising of killing girl child, which resulted in disturbing the sex-ratio of the village. So, to prevent this evil practice Shyam Sundar started a very impressive activity, which was planting a Kadam Tree (Burflower Tree) in loving memories of his daughter, as it indicates the sublime love.

The day after he became the Sarpanch of the village, he started this “Kiran Nidhi Yojna.” In this Yojna, whenever a girl-child is born in the village, 111 trees are planted and 31000 Rs. are made as fixed deposit, which made in split of two i.e; 10,000rs are contributed by girl’s family and rest amount is been contributed by the villagers.

He and peoples of his village have also planted plants of aloe vera and rose and are making products from it, so it helps them to generate employment for the people of Piplantri village. He also started “Swajaldhara Yojana” with the purpose to preserve and converse water and constructed around 1800 dams in the village. Also, he promoted “Open Defecation Free India” project in his village.

Motivated from Shyam Sundar, our government introduced a policy in 2016, for saving the girl child, a government official Dr Pankaj Guar said in his interview in Rajasthan, that under this policy the family will receive rs.2500 on birth of girl child and the same amount will be given on her 1st Birthday. The amount will be doubled to rs.5000 has she completes her primary education and when the girl will complete her high school education I.e; 12th Class, rs. 35000 will be received and it total of about rs.50,000. So the girl child will not be seen as a liability for the family.

On the birth of every single girl child, Shyam Sundar gather the village peoples and celebrate with joy of being blessed by the girl child. For his noble deed, he is been honoured with “Karamveer Chakra” by the government.

Many people are shaking hands to help and contribute with him for this noble cause. Recently, he appeared in tv show Kaun Banega Crorepati and whatever amount he won, he is going to utilize for betterment of girl child.

He is also helping families of girls during the time of their marriage as well. Not all are having the same courage as Shyam Sundar, he is doing a great job. We wish him Goodluck and salute him for the work he is doing.

Illuminate Child’s Life

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Education a tool that can work as a miracle in our life and also as a weapon to save someone’s life.

To get a good education is the right of every child and also a value-adding feature that can be added for the growth and development of the country also for the development of children.

I am willing to pursue my career which can relate me to social work and the one I can utilize for the betterment of society.

Education is the key which can illuminate the life of anyone. Benefit of education:

  1. Awareness: When you hold the key to education, it opens many doors for you in every situation and light up the dark path while you are unable to find the right path. Education can help you to decide what is right for you and what is wrong? It creates awareness in day-to-day life.
  2. Enhance Knowledge: While you begin to study any subject or topic, you are always learning something new which will enhance knowledge and skills. Enhancement of knowledge leads to improvement in our life.
  3. Helps to be updated: With the fast-moving time everything is changing or is getting modified with something new and every next moment there is always a new update . So, education helps you to keep yourself updated with new techniques and methodology. E.g; New update in mobile phone software.
  4. Strong Tomorrow: Every new chapter or topic brings something new and interesting with it which can prepare you to face the uncertainty that comes in your path. With proper education, one can find solutions to solve the problems and be strong for tomorrow.

In India, there are many families in urban, rural areas, villages where there live people who have kids who are good in studies but due to poor family condition are unable to go schools/colleges. 

Often due to proper financial situation parents withdraw the admission from schools.

The child themselves quite studying and start working for supporting their family.

People living in slum areas have many bright children who can have a bright future if allowed to learn and grow with the proper source of education. 

If you can illuminate the life at least one child, go for it and support him/her to go to school/college.

Your one step can transform the life of one and it can transform the lives of many.

Our social help care organisations is working for illuminating the many children’s lives so that the country can be poverty-free and literacy ratio can increase.

And we can have best-educated citizen in our country who can contribute for growth and development of our country.

If you wish the same and want to do something for society, join our team.

Contact us:

Call us: 9827724380




Vanishing Humanity

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

In today’s time, people are so busy in self-development that they are even ready to bully other people and often they are hurting the feelings of many people around them.

Today no one value the opinion of others if he/she wants to get the things done or wants to achieve something.

People simply walk away even after seeing someone who needs help or who is seeking for help. Today we ignoring the needy people as if they don’t even exist around us.

Still, few people believe in helping others or to the one who needs help.

Looking at the present scenario, it seems like humanity is vanishing as if people are not noticing what is happening around them.

Nowadays even after being aware that something happened just a few steps away from them, still they don’t bother to know what happened or is there anything they can do for the victim/s.

In the last few days, I have seen many accidents and also noticed how people are ignoring the incident and moving away from there, hardly one or two go and see what happened to the victim and call on helpline for ambulance and police.

It’s true that everyone indeed has some or other problem in their life and everyone is struggling to achieve what he/she wants and are working hard for the same.

But during this struggling time if I can help someone or you can help someone then should move ahead and help.

Vanishing humanity is not a good sign for us. If humanity will vanish, then there will be silence every whereas no one is talking with a person sitting next to him/her. And people will hesitate to ask for a helping hand from anyone.

Still today people ask for help even by walking on the roadside for address or if looking for their lost near and dear ones. But if the situation remains the same, then it won’t take long time in vanishing humanity.

Today human is afraid, jealous of other humans that they don’t get more success than them and take back their steps to help anyone or don’t want to help even if they are capable enough to help them.

But why you are forgetting that if today you help someone, you will get help when you need not from the same person but maybe some other person !!

The world is round and we all know what goes around that comes around to us in the same way or other.

Be kind, respect humanity. Help the needy and set an example for the coming generation what humanity is? Instead of vanishing humanity.

Be social, be kind share knowledge, happiness, love, joy, laughter in surrounding.

Wrapping The Needy

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Every day before I go to bed, I am thanking God that he has given one more day to live and for doing something better and to make our life worth living. I am content with what I have and blessed by what I have… But when I look around my self I notice many things that make me feel sad like poverty, the inability of poor people to fulfill their basic needs.

As at present winter season is on, and the entire country is enjoying this season with lots of happiness and many other things. But the people who are living on streets and those who don’t even have proper clothes to cover their body are striving to get some shelter, proper food, some warm clothes and blankets, but are hardly able to get any…

One day while I was on my way back home, I noticed one old man was sitting below the lamp post and was shivering in the thundering night. As I reached home, I asked my mother to give one old blanket because I want to give the same to that old man sitting below the lamp-post near my home.

My mother gave a taught for a while and then said that- “Yes, we have one used blanket and if I want I can give that to the old man.” Me and my father took out the blanket from our bed and I went to that old man and gave him the blanket my father wrapped the blanket around him and along with 100 Rs.

After receiving the blanket and money, the old thanked us and was said- “God Bless you sir and to your daughter, May God fulfill your wishes and give more wealth.” Me and papa both were happy, as today I did something good for needy and the smile and happy face of that old man made our day.

I don’t belong to a very rich millionaire family, but to a well to do family and I always believe to do something good for others, something which can improve someone’s life and he/she can do something better in their life.

Wrapping the people often gives tremendous happiness in our heart and it can not be compared with anything. We can wrap someone by giving hug when they are emotionally broken, or when we want to share happiness, we can wrap someone who don’t have clothes on their body or have torn clothes, the helps needy poor people, children.

Few days back, while I scrolling on social media I found one video clip of army soldiers- they were distributing blankets to the people who were sleeping on the roadside in the shivering winter night.

The soldiers were going one to one to everyone and were giving them the blankets and those who were sleeping nicely, they were silently wrapping the blankets on them and moving forward to next.

Often we throw are unused woolen clothes, blankets and other stuff, but we don’t think to donate it needy people or wrap the needy people and save them from the shivering cold.

If we are blessed by God that we can reduce someone’s pain then we should try to do it and make someone happy… Wrapping the needy people will always give happiness….


Child- A Girl – Versatile Actor By God (National Girl Child Day)

Friday, January 24th, 2020

Blessed are the people who are having a girl child in their family. Being a girl itself is a big responsibility for oneself and parents. Every parents treats their girl with tremendous love and they look after her all the time.

If we go back in old times, people use to kill the girl child when they were born or will they were just the foetus. The woman use to cry and always lives in fear whenever they use to expect the child. In old times, people prefer to have a male child than a girl child. And today we are seeing the result of it, there is inequality in ratio and now people are seeking for girls.

A girl is a versatile actor on this planet as she plays many roles during the course of her life, she is first introduced as a baby girl to parents- a daughter, then after sister, niece, friend, a wife, a mother, guide, grandmother and what not… It’s said a mother can be a father for a child but a father can’t be a mother for a child.

In old times, people who have girl child don’t believe to invest much on girl’s upbringing, for her education as they had rigid belief that when she will grow up and get married, they have to give lots of dowry and spend much money on that, and this was also one of the reason why the little angels were killed just after or before their birth.

Nowadays, people are changing and are supporting for saving a girl child, education of girl child and many other activities for girl. Today girls are making proud to their parents and for nation too in all the fields whether its education, professional platform, athletes and many other fields

Today girls are doing all the things that a boy do in all the fields, are giving tough competition to them and are enhancing and increasing level of competition. Girl as the title versatile actor is active and multi-tasking as when required.

Many people still don’t respect a girl, woman and bully them, misbehave with them, say ill-words, often we notice while we pass around the group of boys or a boy pass abusing comment to a girl passing from there. This kind of activity hurts the self-respect of a girl and the wounds are always unseen and they have a deep impact on them and often have forced many girls to commit suicide, just because some unknown human the girl is forced to take this harsh step and that’s a big loss to her parents and family.

It is important and it must be understood that one should respect a girl a woman, after all, they are the one who will be a valuable asset to someone’s life.

If you are blessed by a girl a sister than do take care of her, give her the best you can give, give her best education, support her, motivate her that she can do it, she can and she will achieve whatever she wants.

Today there are many NGO’s working for providing shelter and support homeless girl, government have granted free education for girls in schools and are also providing educational materials to them. People who don’t have daughter are willing and are donating clothes for girls, toys and other useful stuff, some people are sponsoring education for girls.

Respect girl, save a child…

Happy National Girl Child Day…….