Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Illuminate Child’s Life

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Education a tool that can work as a miracle in our life and also as a weapon to save someone’s life.

To get a good education is the right of every child and also a value-adding feature that can be added for the growth and development of the country also for the development of children.

I am willing to pursue my career which can relate me to social work and the one I can utilize for the betterment of society.

Education is the key which can illuminate the life of anyone. Benefit of education:

  1. Awareness: When you hold the key to education, it opens many doors for you in every situation and light up the dark path while you are unable to find the right path. Education can help you to decide what is right for you and what is wrong? It creates awareness in day-to-day life.
  2. Enhance Knowledge: While you begin to study any subject or topic, you are always learning something new which will enhance knowledge and skills. Enhancement of knowledge leads to improvement in our life.
  3. Helps to be updated: With the fast-moving time everything is changing or is getting modified with something new and every next moment there is always a new update . So, education helps you to keep yourself updated with new techniques and methodology. E.g; New update in mobile phone software.
  4. Strong Tomorrow: Every new chapter or topic brings something new and interesting with it which can prepare you to face the uncertainty that comes in your path. With proper education, one can find solutions to solve the problems and be strong for tomorrow.

In India, there are many families in urban, rural areas, villages where there live people who have kids who are good in studies but due to poor family condition are unable to go schools/colleges. 

Often due to proper financial situation parents withdraw the admission from schools.

The child themselves quite studying and start working for supporting their family.

People living in slum areas have many bright children who can have a bright future if allowed to learn and grow with the proper source of education. 

If you can illuminate the life at least one child, go for it and support him/her to go to school/college.

Your one step can transform the life of one and it can transform the lives of many.

Our social help care organisations is working for illuminating the many children’s lives so that the country can be poverty-free and literacy ratio can increase.

And we can have best-educated citizen in our country who can contribute for growth and development of our country.

If you wish the same and want to do something for society, join our team.

Contact us:

Call us: 9827724380




Teaching How To Think ,Not What To Think

Friday, November 8th, 2019

In this 21st century, schools have become a focal point of prepared data where understudies are loaded up with all the suitable information which will, in general, make them like strolling hard drives.

Youngsters are not robots that you customized them about what exercises to be performed.

In the event that we urge kids to acknowledge something without speculation, this won’t create a significant change in their minds. Regardless of that, the data will be put away someplace inside the memory where it will gradually vanish. Despite what might be expected, when we are compelled to think to take care of an issue, the cerebrum delivers a rebuilding that outcomes in development. Kids must locate their own specific manner of getting things done and that reason them step by step structure their very own qualities.

The present kids will be the up and coming age of researchers, designers and medicinal specialists who will improve our personal satisfaction.

Instruction should be socially dynamic for which we have to make imaginative and inventive disapproved of kids. Guides, educators and guardians must urge their youngsters to have an independent perspective and investigate the possibility that moves their interests.

A youngster’s psyche resembles a clear paper where encounters, learning, information is being composed to be supported. This clear paper ought not intended to make that individual machine that obeys what it is being told the tasks, how to do?

What not to do? What to think? What not to think? Rather, they ought to be guided with the system which improves “how to think”.

Some may feel that it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to show kids how to think. Thus, there are a few methodologies that help understudies to break new ground:

1) Asking open-finished questions can assist the kids with thinking fresh. In numerous schools, understudies are reacting to shut inquiry and there is just a single conceivable right answer which constrains the understudy to think. Educators must pose an inquiry that requires some inventive considerations.

2) Try to make a situation in a study hall where understudies don’t hesitate to pose an inquiry with no negative responses from their friends or instructors.

3) Give them true models which help them to comprehend the point all the more obviously.

In this way, we have to grow our showing techniques and urge our youngsters to be innovative and see past the conjured up universe. Thusly, we should show this future age how to have an independent mind with the goal that they can extend their existence and arrange issues rapidly and helpfully.

Orphan Girl’s Education

Friday, November 1st, 2019

Every child has the right to get proper education, whether it’s a girl or boy. Even today, in India there are many people who think that educating a girl is not a good idea and its waste of time and money. Kids are blessed who have parents but their many kids who are far away with these blessings.

There are so many orphanages in India, where there are so many kids who have different abilities, talents, and willingness to learn. There are some organizations that are recognized by the government that takes care especially of a girl child. They are looking after them, making things available which can help them learn and grow, provide them nutritious food and clothing.

Even famous celebrities are who are contributing to educating the poor and orphanage girls so that they can have a better future. Even some are running recognized NGO’s for supporting Girl Child Education.

Young lady youngster instruction is a field that discovers a top need in the Narendra Modi drove Government’s motivation and is very near the PM’s heart. Improving the present education rates requires genuine exertion and what preferred an approach to begin over start talk and take input from the individuals of the nation itself!

With a mean to contemplate the discourses and thoughts to improve young lady kid instruction in the nation, regardless of whether it be offices or monetary help, the ‘Young lady youngster Education’ bunch on MyGov gives the stage to the essential discussion.

The goal of this group is to set up an approach structure and assemble proposals that can help increment instruction among young lady understudies and give them occupation openings

The individuals who are effectively partaking in the talk are recommending different approaches to utilize the PPP model and network support to help young lady youngster instruction. The individuals are amazingly despondent that schools don’t need to experience quality check thus the individuals, for the most part, recommended approaches to how to have an appropriate system to administer the nature of educating. The most oft given recommendation was that the legislature can support the young lady kid training yet private gatherings can deal with the program and network can help advance the young lady kid’s instruction. It was likewise recommended that CAG should mind the private gatherings with the goal that abuse of the assets doesn’t occur.

To support young lady kid instruction it is additionally recommended that there be a secondary school each 5 km. The need to make appropriate learning conditions is stressed by all. Various individuals need that parent instructor affiliation is fortified to give a great deal of impulse to young lady youngster training. The need to perceive the endeavours of good educators and schools by the networks was likewise accentuated by the vast majority of the individuals. The need to enable young ladies to fantasy about getting to be specialist or designer was over the psyche of numerous individuals.

The sorry condition of early afternoon dinners was accused of not all young ladies being joined up with schools. The vast majority of the individuals needed that the plan be re-pulled. There was likewise a recommendation from the rare sorts of people who needed that a toll-free understudies’ helpline is opened or have site and TV channel to help young lady understudies. Having more schools and decreasing the understudies to the instructor proportion was additionally talked about among the individuals.

A straightforward arrangement that was offered was setting up a division in every town. The office will be answerable for keeping up the record of young ladies who go to class and the issues they face. The division would likewise deal with the issues looked by the young ladies and guarantee the dropout rate falls definitely. The other such straightforward arrangement was setting up atomic schools where instructed residents grant training to the young lady understudies in the region of their homes.

Numerous individuals feel that as guardians, at last, assume the most essential job in the training of the young lady youngster, it is significant that guardians are persuaded first the significance of the young lady kid instruction. Many worried about the need of appropriate foundation and access to schools in rustic India. Likewise, the requirement for legitimate sanitation offices in schools was worried by general individuals. Hardly any individuals additionally worried about the need of advancing young lady kid training through short movies and furthermore a few individuals recommended that town panchayats ought to be depended on the obligation of guaranteeing that young ladies are taught.

Worrying on the requirement for advanced education among young ladies numerous individuals proposed that each taluka ought to have a school. This they propose would not power guardians to request that their young ladies drop out after class 12. Various recommendations have poured in with respect to how to teach guardians about instructing the young lady kid and not getting them wedded at a youthful age. There have been proposals additionally about the teaching guardians as to not regard young ladies as money related weight. A dominant part of individuals likewise worried about the significance of ladies security as they felt that it will be hard to persuade guardians to teach their little girls if the young ladies are not sheltered

Lets come together and contribute to educating a girl child. 

Child Education

Monday, October 8th, 2018

Education plays a very crucial role in one’s life. Home is our first school & parents play the role of first teachers. In our childhood, usually we are being taught about the basic things from our Parents but Schools Education and Teaching from a Professional Teachers is also very important.

Each and every person in India is given a right to get education so why not the children of slum areas? Are they carrying their destiny from their mother’s inside or they are the only victims of rising poverty in India?
Many children from under poverty category engage themselves with their parents for earning money or might be they used to work under some Zamindars of their villages. Because of the early age responsibility they do not get the opportunity to educate even though they have strong desire.

In some cases they are not even aware about the importance of education nor they are being told to study & achieve something because of the lack of money. They are in a race of trend being followed in the village from the hierarchy. In this phase the sufferers are those children who are bound to work at the age of 10 when at the same time they should be in some school making their career.

In actual case this is our responsibility to make them alert about the education system & its advantages. Many Governmental Programs are implemented so that everyone can get access to proper education system.

In earlier days education system was partial & costly. Rich children were allowed to study in any school on the other hand poor ones were forced to send their children in lower grading schools. However currently, whole criteria and theme of education has been changed to a great level. Government has implemented real grading system in which the children will get admission as per their capability & grades. Many government schools are providing scholarships also.

Education is the Gift provided by God. It is the most important tool for bright future of individual as well as the country. So indulge yourself in the process of making someone study today because today’s Youth is tomorrow’s Futures.

You can aware people by conducting seminars in slum areas demonstrating the importance of a person to study today. Also you can sponsor a child’s education. You can even teach some of the courses directly to the children of slums. Your little step towards them will make them move ahead towards some achievement. So be the change for tomorrow.