Your Words Have The Power To Change Someone’s World

By admin, In Donate, 30 Comments

Since childhood, we are taught that, always be polite and kind with your words and always help others. But helping...


By admin, In Helping Hand, 0 Comments

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such...


By admin, In volunteership, 0 Comments

It’s said a human earns livelihood for food, clothing and shelter for oneself and his/ her family. For living, we...

Life of Special Kids

By admin, In Helping Hand, 1 Comments

In our day to day life, often we see kids or adults who are physically challenged and the one who...

Your Every Behaviour Is Noticed

By admin, In Helping Hand, 0 Comments

Each day whatsoever you do or you are doing is been noticed and copied by one or many, especially the...

Shyam Sundar Paliwal – Father of Eco-Feminism

By admin, In Helping Hand, 31 Comments

Is it said that - “बेटे भाग्य से होते हैं, पर बेटियाँ सौभाग्य से होती हैं” Still we get to hear that some villages in our country are not considering...

Illuminate Child’s Life

By admin, In Education, 0 Comments

Education a tool that can work as a miracle in our life and also as a weapon to save someone's...

Vanishing Humanity

By admin, In Helping Hand, 33 Comments

In today’s time, people are so busy in self-development that they are even ready to bully other people and often...

Wrapping The Needy

By admin, In Donate, 0 Comments

Every day before I go to bed, I am thanking God that he has given one more day to live...

Child- A Girl – Versatile Actor By God (National Girl Child Day)

By admin, In Helping Hand, 31 Comments

Blessed are the people who are having a girl child in their family. Being a girl itself is a big...